23 March 2017

And All These Little Things

For so long now, I have been thinking about what this blog would be all about. I try my very best to write about the matters of the heart but dang it, this is a very difficult, heartbreaking task when I have no inspiration (i.e. single with no prospects LOL). I also wanted to post about all my travels but it can get a bit tedious trying to explain how and why I frequently get lost. :P

I have always had a bad reaction to coffee, tea, and soda. Just last year, I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse which basically means my heartbeat is literally faster than that of normal people (imagine what’s going to happen when I finally find the love of my life!!!). Earlier this week while wandering around Marketplace by Rustan's, I found out that you can buy caffeine-free Coke for only PhP 39.75. MY HEART WAS ON CAFFEINE-FREE CLOUD NINE. Goodbye, palpitations! Hello, instagrammable soda!

21 March 2017


There are 130 million girls around the world who do not have access to education. ONE is aiming to make the world’s longest video that will be presented to people who have the power to change these women’s futures. A video that will take as long as eight years will sure be hard to ignore! Be part of this movement by picking your own number and uploading a photo or video that will be included in the film. Think about it—what’s there to lose when you help these women out? Claim a number now!

ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organization of nearly eight million people around the world taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. Know more about ONE here.

06 March 2017

We’re All Riding the Same Different Trains

I am suspended in the middle of depression and ecstasy.

It's one of those days. It's always just one of those days when you are on your usual commute, thinking, "How did my life become so ordinary?"